Ask yourself these 6 basic questions


Ask yourself these 6 basic questions and then get in touch to see how we can make this easier for you!

  • Do you have financial forecasts and operational plans that cover different scenarios and allow you to navigate the right path to profitability and growth.

  • Do you know your predicted utilisation of development staff (I.e. how busy you expect to be) and are you converting that into expected project costs?

  • Are you capturing time spent on projects and converting that to actual project costs?

  • Are you using your management accounts and forecasts to check your ‘per developer’ overhead costs, your developer rates and regularly check on the most fundamental of your Key Performance Indicators (cost per developer day or year, income per developer day or year)?

  • Are you able to give quotes quickly, accurately and with the confidence that your company will ultimately make profits on committed projects?

  • Do you understand the accounting information that you receive and more importantly, are you able to use that to inform a financial strategy that will maximise your profitability?

These are just a few introductory questions, if you need to improve in these aspects then we can work with your senior leadership team to ensure that all of the information you need is always available and up to date.